The guidance you may need to help you to make the most of the opportunities on offer at Skole

Our Welcome Pack

Download the welcome pack book by simply click the button down below or just read it from this page.

POLICies and procedures

All parents are welcome to go through the Policies and Procedures of Harmony Nursery. Just contact the Manager or Deputy Manager, on duty to arrange this.

Below are a few points drawn from our Policies which you will find useful.

Settling In and Key Person

The Setting has a system of Key Person allocated to each child for ensuring that your child settles in happily and keep the parents updated on the child’s progress. Parents will be informed of the name of the Key Person during setting in period. They will also be your first point of contact if you wish to discuss your child.

The Key Person also ensures that your child’s records are up to date and regular observations are recorded.

The nursery staff will, in partnership with you, settle your child into the nursery environment by:

  • Providing you with relevant information regarding the policies and procedures of the nursery;
  • Encouraging you and your child to visit the nursery during the weeks before an admission is planned;
  • Welcoming you to stay with your child during the first week, and gradually reduce stay until your child feels settled and you feel comfortable about leaving your child. Settling in visits and introductory sessions are key to smooth transition and to ensure good communication and information sharing between staff and parents
  • Please be prepared and patient if your child is taking longer time settling into the nursery, as it is sometimes hard parting away for both parents and child. Eventually, child progresses and settles;
  • Reviewing the nominated key person if the child is bonding with another member of staff to ensure the child’s needs are supported
  • Respecting the circumstances of all families, including those who are unable to stay for long periods of time in the nursery, and reassuring them of their child’s progress towards settling in.

No child will be taken on an outing from the nursery until s/he is completely settled.


The key person will meet with the parent/s to discuss and review their child’s needs 4 weeks after settling in of the child.

Parental Involvement

We believe that in order for children to receive quality care and early learning that suits the individual needs, parents and staff need to work together in a close partnership.

Good communication is key. Please do not hesitate to let us know of any concerns you may have and anything you may be interested in discussing.

The notice board and the monitor in reception area will keep you up to date with nursery news. We will also produce a regular newsletter and contributions from all will be welcome. We will hold regular parents meetings to discuss your child’s progress and to update you on the curriculum. There will also be family social events. Our website is another source of communication and information.

We encourage and welcome parents participation in nursery activities please do let us know, if you like to volunteer.


At Harmony Nursery we encourage mutual respect. Positive, caring and polite behaviour is expected of staff, visitors and parents, and encouraged in children.

The behaviour policy reflects this.


Please ensure that your child wears comfortable clothes that are suitable for the weather conditions. We recommend nursery uniform for the child as your child will be involved in messy activities, climbing and exploring some of the time. We will encourage children to wear aprons/outdoor clothing where appropriate and we request you to dress your child in clothes that are easily washable and practical and comfortable footwear.

Please ensure your child doesn’t wear jewellery in the nursery. If your child has pierced ears then sleepers or studs may be worn.

Your child will need:-

  • A set of spare clothing (socks, underwear, t-shirt, trousers or skirt, jumper or cardigan) in the Gym Bag provided by the Nursery as part of Uniform.
  • A pair of wellington boots to keep at nursery.


Please ensure that if your child is in the nursery between the hours of 12 and 1 pm that you provide them with a balanced and healthy packed lunch in a lunchbox or bag labelled with their name.  Please note that we do not re-heat food in the Nursery, as per our Food Hygiene Policy.

Please note that no crisps, nuts or sweets of any kind, are allowed in the nursery.

Staff will eat with the children and encourage conversation and good manners.

We provide:-

  • Water at all times
  • Healthy snacks including juice, milk, fruit and vegetables during both morning and afternoon sessions

Trips and Outings

As part of the early learning planning, the nursery will arrange local visits and walks in the neighbourhood to support children’s knowledge, understanding and experiences. For example, they could learn about different kinds of food and cooking ingredients during a trip to a supermarket, or collect objects of interest for a collage or table display during a walk in the park.

For your child to take part in such activities we require your written permission. Please see the permission slip.

All outings away from the nursery will be assessed to identify risks and put measures in place to ensure children, staff and assistants are safe during their time away from the nursery.

Adult to child ratios will be higher than normal on these occasions and we would welcome any parents who would feel able to accompany us on short walks and trips.

Please note that separate letters and permission slips will be sent out for visits and trips further afield.

We are planning future trips to museums, galleries, the theatre and places of natural beauty or of particular interest. Details will be given well in advance.

Nursery Hours and Late Collection

Please try to drop off your child at the beginning of the session in order for them and others to benefit fully from the session. If you are going to be late do please try to let us know.

Children must be collected punctually at the end of each session. A charge is made for late collection at a rate of £5 for each 15 minutes or part thereof.

If your child is going to be collected by another person on a regular or one-off basis we would like you to introduce us to this person. If this is not possible (for example an emergency) then please let us know and we will issue a password to ensure safe collection.

Health and Safety

Most of our members of staff have a Paediatric First Aid Qualification, and there will always be one of these members of staff on duty.

Sickness and Illness

Children should not be dropped at nursery if they are unwell. If a child is unwell then they will prefer to be at home with their parent/s rather than at nursery with their peers. We will follow these procedures to ensure the welfare of all children within the nursery:

  • If a child becomes ill during the nursery day, their parents will be contacted and asked to pick their child up as soon as possible. During this time the child will be cared for in a quiet, calm area with their key person.
  • If a child has an infectious disease such as an eye/ear infection or vomiting and diarrhoea, or the child is on prescribed antibiotics, they should not return to nursery until they have been clear for at least 48 hours;
  • It is vital that we follow the advice given to us by our registering authority and exclude specific contagious conditions, e.g. vomiting and diarrhoea and chicken pox, to protect other children in the nursery. Illnesses of this nature are very contagious and it is very unfair to expose other children to the risk of an infection
  • If a contagious infection is identified in the nursery, parents will be informed to enable them to spot the early signs of this illness. All equipment and resources that may have come into contact with a contagious child will be cleaned and sterilised thoroughly to reduce the spread of infection;
  • It is important that children are not subjected to the rigours of the nursery day, which requires socialising with other children and being part of a group setting, when they first become ill enough to require a course of antibiotics. Our policy, therefore, is to exclude children on antibiotics for the first 48 hours of the course
  • The nursery has the right to refuse admission to a child who is unwell. This decision will be taken by the manager on duty and is non-negotiable;
  • If head lice are present within the nursery, posters and advice leaflets will be displayed and provided. Parents are asked to check their children’s hair regularly, treat as required and inform the nursery if head lice are present.

Meningitis procedure

If a parent informs the nursery that their child has meningitis, the nursery manager should contact the Infection Control (IC) Nurse for their area, and Ofsted. The IC Nurse will give guidance and support in each individual case.  If parents do not inform the nursery, we will be contacted directly by the IC Nurse and the appropriate support will be given.

Transporting children to hospital procedure

  • If the sickness is severe, staff will call for an ambulance immediately. They will not transport the sick child in their own vehicles.
  • While waiting for the ambulance, we will contact the child’s parent and arrange to meet them at the hospital
  • A senior member of staff will accompany the child and collect together registration forms, relevant medication sheets, medication and the child’s comforter. A member of the management team will be informed immediately


We will administer prescription medication that is required for long-term conditions.

If your child is prescribed a short course of medication or if you wish your child to be given medication that has not been prescribed, please see the manager on duty who will go through the nursery’s policy on medication we may and may not give.

If your child develops a temperature while in the nursery and you cannot be contacted we are able, with your prior written permission at the manager’s discretion, to administer liquid paracetamol (Calpol). We will record the time and dosage and inform you in writing.